The 5 C’s of “G” in ESG
To better understand how Sage evaluates corporate governance, we have created “The 5 C’s” framework – compensation, composition, competency, clarity, and consistency. In this podcast,. . . .
To better understand how Sage evaluates corporate governance, we have created “The 5 C’s” framework – compensation, composition, competency, clarity, and consistency. In this podcast,. . . .
For the first half of 2021, we believe a continued economic recovery, supportive policy efforts, and a vaccine-related normalization in activity should drive further upside. . . .
December 9, 2020 — Aerospace & Defense is a critical component of the economy and global safety, yet many ESG investing strategies eliminate the industry. . . .
This monthly research piece provides portfolio positioning and commentary for the Sage KIS Cash Balance CITs. This includes each strategy’s asset allocation evolution and a. . . .
December 2, 2020 — As the number of ESG ETF options continues to rise, it is increasingly important for investors to “look under the hood”. . . .
At Sage, we are tactical investment managers. That means when the market starts to take a turn, we shift toward stocks, bonds, and other securities. . . .
December 1, 2020 — Fixed income investors have benefited from falling rates and a recovery in spreads, which has generated attractive returns thus far in. . . .
December 1, 2020 — Climate change remains top of mind for money managers, according to US SIF: The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment recently released. . . .