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ESG Highlights & Holdings — Sysco Corporation
October 26, 2020 — Sysco (an acronym for Systems and Services Company) is a global leader in selling, marketing, and distributing food products. The company. . . .
The Cost of Going to Cash
October 20, 2020 — During the last four market corrections, on average roughly two-thirds of an investor’s downside was recovered in just two weeks. Pulling. . . .
Asset Liability Quarterly Monitor 3Q20
Sage’s LDI solutions include a custom fixed income portfolio with individual securities that will closely perform to the duration and term structure of the plan’s. . . .
Income ETF Strategies Performance Commentary 3Q20
This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage Income ETF Strategies in the third quarter.
Tactical ETF Performance Commentary 3Q20
This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage Tactical ETF Strategies in the third quarter.
ESG ETF Strategies Performance Commentary 3Q20
This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage ESG ETF Strategies in the third quarter.
Sage Advice Municipal Quarterly Market Review 3Q2020
The tone of the municipal market did a 180-degree turn in the third quarter, as yield and spread volatility trended lower and seasonal demand, once. . . .