When the Tax Equivalent Yield Outpaces Cash

October 16, 2023 — A historic rise in municipal bond yields offers high-net-worth investors with an excellent opportunity to capture tax-free income in an asset class that has solid credit fundamentals.

  • DATE: October 16, 2023
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Fixed Income

Anatomy of a Selloff

October 9, 2023 -- In this Notes from the Desk, we look at how the change in financial conditions since the end of July has affected bond yields and what it means . . .

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Fixed Income

Fixed Income Investment Strategy — October 2023

October 10, 2023 -- Fixed Income Investment Strategy provides an overview of Sage's market outlook and sector positioning. . . .

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Fixed Income, Municipal Fixed Income, Tactical ETF

Sage Advice Quarterly Market Review 3Q23

October 3, 2023 -- Third quarter returns were characterized by three major trends – rising long-end yields, a significant move higher in oil, and an equity correction into . . .

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