Global Sustainability Spotlight: The Future of Commercial Aviation
August 9, 2024 — This week we’re exploring the commercial aviation industry. Although the industry is responsible for only a small percentage of global emissions, it is a critical area to address as the world explores avenues to curb the impacts of global warming. Progress to date has been slow, but with demand for air travel expected to continue growing rapidly, it is an issue that will be a focal point for decades to come.
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Fixed Income
Market Focus Shifts to Fears of an Economic Contraction
August 5, 2024 -- Until recently, the prevailing market narrative since October was that the Fed was in a "pivot" to eventual rate cuts given a Goldilocks economic...
Responsible Investing
Responsible Investing Compendium
February 1, 2025 -- The following is a comprehensive list of Sage’s research pieces segmented by subject category, including environmental, social, governance . . .
Responsible Investing
Global Sustainability Spotlight: The Nuclear Power Renaissance
July 11, 2024 -- This week, we’re exploring the nuclear power value chain. As momentum toward a nuclear renaissance continues around the globe, there will be abundant...