
Stay up to date on emerging industry issues and trends with Sage perspectives. From fixed income to sustainable investing, our experts cover a range of subject matter that is relevant to today’s advisors and consultants.

Retirement Plan Perspectives: The Mechanics of Hedging Long Duration Liabilities
March 14, 2017 — The primary goal of liability-driven investing (LDI) is to hedge liability cash flows. On the surface, achieving that goal is relatively. . . .
Equity ESG Video
Tax-Exempt ESG Video
Taxable ESG Video
Fixed Income
3 Key Macro Themes for the First Half of 2017
February 2, 2017 — While politics and fundamentals continue to drive the investment outlook, at Sage, we believe it is the global macro landscape which. . . .
Fixed Income
Trump’s Impact on Fixed Income Markets
January 13, 2017 — While the country prepares for the first hundred days of a new Commander-in-Chief, contrasting market dynamics warrant a closer look for. . . .
Your Pension Might Not Be As Well Funded As You Think
December 20, 2016 — Different liability valuation methodologies can result in a meaningful difference in the measurement of plan health, or the funded status.
Tactical ETF
ETF Trends Video: Bob Smith
Our President & CIO, Bob Smith, sits down with ETF Trends to discuss our approach to managing ETF strategies.
The Sage Philosophy Video
President & CIO, Bob Smith, shares Sage’s history and philosophy.
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