Stay up to date on emerging industry issues and trends with Sage perspectives. From fixed income to sustainable investing, our experts cover a range of subject matter that is relevant to today’s advisors and consultants.
ESG Solutions
The Case for Nuclear Power
October 28, 2021 — With a predictably challenging winter ahead, we may need to reconsider relying on renewables to save the day. Could nuclear power. . . .
Municipal Fixed Income
Uncle Sam Wants You! Well, Actually, Just Your Money
October 19, 2021 — Since the dawn of time, governments have relied heavily on the power of taxation to collect money and redistribute it to. . . .
ESG Solutions
An Innovative Research Approach: Using ESG Integration to Enhance Risk Controls
October 14, 2021 — As the effects of climate change become more prevalent, the potential for unexpected and significant impacts to credit risk has increased. . . .
ESG Solutions
Not Woke or Greenwashing: ESG Is Just Solid Risk Management
October 14, 2021 — ESG has taken hits from all angles as of late. Whether it be former sustainability leaders going on record to strongly. . . .
Fixed Income
Is High Yield Immune to Interest Rate Increases? Not So Fast My Friend…
October 12, 2021 — Is high yield immune to interest rate increases? Not so fast… During periods of rate increases, the duration of high yield. . . .
Municipal Fixed Income
Three Key Factors to Successful Municipal Portfolio Management
October 4, 2021 — In this piece, Sage discusses three key components of our fixed income investment philosophy: income, price, and volatility.
Delivering Collaborative and Custom Investment Solutions to the Captive Industry
October 1, 2021 — Sage has over 25 years of demonstrated experience in the management of investment portfolios for the captive industry. We operate across. . . .
Fixed Income
The Winners and Losers of the Great Reflation Trade
September 14, 2021 — Not all commodities have benefitted equally in the reflation/economic reopening trade. Some have long-term structural supply/demand imbalances, while others have seen. . . .
Fixed Income
Fixed Income Returns & Rising Rate Environments
September 10, 2021 — Given the large moves in interest rates over the past 12 months, investors are focused on the near-term direction of rates.. . . .