Global Sustainability Spotlight: News & Views

June 4, 2024 — Welcome to Sage’s Global Sustainability Spotlight, a bi-weekly newsletter covering evolving trends and issues in the world of sustainable investing. This week, Sage’s Senior Research Analyst Andy Poreda dives into the future of US mining, examining how China’s growing control over minerals critical to the clean energy transition could complicate America’s efforts to manage its own clean energy future. Will we see a resurgence in US domestic mining, or will the US lean on key allies to counter China’s dominance?

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Fixed Income

Global Central Bank Watch

June 3, 2024 -- June is a key month for markets as nearly all the world's major central banks are slated to meet and determine their policy stance and make any changes to...

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Responsible Investing

Global Sustainability Spotlight: News & Views

May 16, 2024 -- Sage’s Senior Research Analyst Andy Poreda provides insight on the top sustainability news stories of the week. Included in this week’s Global Sustainability...

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Responsible Investing

Green Shoots Welcome Spring in the Impact Bond Market

April 23, 2024 -- After 2022 saw the first contraction in global impact bond issuance in 10 years, 2023 issuance rebounded . . .

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