Global Sustainability Spotlight: News & Views

May 16, 2024 — Sage’s Senior Research Analyst Andy Poreda provides insight on the top sustainability news stories of the week. Included in this week’s Global Sustainability Spotlight are the risks associated with nuclear reactors in the South China Sea, calls for divestment from pro-Palestinian demonstrators, and the recent decrease in US wind power. Andy provides a brief synopsis of each article along with Sage’s perspective on the news.

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Responsible Investing

Green Shoots Welcome Spring in the Impact Bond Market

April 23, 2024 -- After 2022 saw the first contraction in global impact bond issuance in 10 years, 2023 issuance rebounded . . .

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Fixed Income

Weakening Data Signals a Downward Shift in Interest Rates

May 16, 2024 -- After rising in response to better than expected economic data through the first 4 months of the year, bond yields reversed course and fell sharply in May...

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ESG Solutions

The Sage ESG Top 5 — April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024 -- Sage’s Senior ESG Research Analyst Andy Poreda provides insight on the top ESG news stories of the week. Included in this week’s Sage ESG Top 5 are . . .

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