
Our commitment to delivering thoughtful research and insights has a pragmatic purpose. The more a client knows, the more he or she can stay on plan during volatile and uncertain market environments.

Fixed Income
Q1 2021 Fixed Income Outlook
February 2, 2021 — This presentation provides insight into our fixed income outlook and illustrates how Sage is positioned in the current environment.
Tactical ETF
Asset Allocation Perspectives
February 2, 2021 — Director of Research Rob Williams discusses Sage’s outlook for the first quarter and key positioning themes.
Asset Liability Quarterly Monitor 4Q20
Sage’s LDI solutions include a custom fixed income portfolio with individual securities that will closely perform to the duration and term structure of the plan’s. . . .
Tactical ETF
Tactical Investment Strategy, January 2021
While our first half outlook is geared toward further upside, we expect pockets of weaker data related to a Covid-19 surge, a slower-than-expected pace of. . . .
ESG Solutions
ESG ETF Performance Commentary 4Q20
This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage ESG ETF Strategies in the fourth quarter.
Tactical ETF
Sage Income ETF Performance Commentary 4Q20
This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage Income ETF Strategies in the fourth quarter.
Tactical ETF
Tactical ETF Performance Commentary 4Q20
This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage Tactical ETF Strategies in the fourth quarter.
Municipal Fixed Income
Municipal 4Q20 Market Review & Outlook
Despite the dire predictions of massive municipal budget deficits in 2020, only a few areas of the municipal market experienced fiscal challenges that required additional. . . .
Fixed Income
Taxable 4Q20 Market Review & Outlook
As we turn our attention, finally, toward 2021 we note that not only has the macro landscape changed dramatically over the past year, but it. . . .
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