
Our commitment to delivering thoughtful research and insights has a pragmatic purpose. The more a client knows, the more he or she can stay on plan during volatile and uncertain market environments.

Cash Balance
Cash Balance KIS Performance Commentary 3Q21
September 30, 2021 — What had been shaping up to be another solid quarter for risk assets and decent returns for fixed income, was mostly. . . .
Cash Balance
Cash Balance Performance Commentary 3Q21
September 30, 2021 — What had been shaping up to be another solid quarter for risk assets and decent returns for fixed income, was mostly. . . .
Cash Balance
Finding Success in Cash Balance Plans
How can advisors successfully leverage Cash Balance Plans? In this video, Sage’s National Sales Director Bob Moser and Expand Financial’s CEO Greg Bakke talk about. . . .
Cash Balance
Cash Balance from a Plan Design Perspective
What’s more important – excellence or relevance? In the noisy, crowded 401(k) world, Cash Balance Plans offer advisors a way to become more relevant. In. . . .
Tactical ETF
Tactical Investment Strategy, September 2021
September 20, 2021 — The third quarter has been a bumpy ride, with a surge in the Delta variant that has shifted the macro landscape. . . .
Meet National Sales Director Bob Moser
Cash Balance
Cash Balance Strategy Monitor August 2021
September 14, 2021 — This monthly research piece provides portfolio positioning and commentary for the Sage KIS Cash Balance CITs. This includes each strategy’s asset. . . .
Fixed Income
Fixed Income Performance Through Rising Rate Environments
This presentation illustrates how Sage fixed income strategies and benchmark indexes have fared during periods of rising 10-year Treasury yields. While investors may have experienced. . . .
Tactical ETF
Tactical Investment Strategy, August 2021
August 17, 2021 — Late summer has historically been a challenging period for risk markets, and this year looks set to follow that pattern –with. . . .
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