
Our commitment to delivering thoughtful research and insights has a pragmatic purpose. The more a client knows, the more he or she can stay on plan during volatile and uncertain market environments.

Asset Liability Quarterly Monitor 3Q21
October 25, 2021 — Sage’s LDI solutions include a custom fixed income portfolio with individual securities that will closely perform to the duration and term. . . .
Cash Balance
Cash Balance Strategy Monitor September 2021
October 20, 2021 — This monthly research piece provides portfolio positioning and commentary for the Sage KIS Cash Balance CITs. This includes each strategy’s asset. . . .
Cash Balance
An Investment Manager’s Approach to Cash Balance Plans
In this episode, Sage’s Managing Director Michael Walton and National Sales Director Bob Moser address the 3 big questions clients usually have about their cash. . . .
Tactical ETF
Tactical ETF Performance Commentary 3Q21
October 14, 2021 — This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage Tactical ETF Strategies in the third quarter.
Tactical ETF
Sage Income ETF Performance Commentary 3Q21
October 14, 2021 — This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage Income ETF Strategies in the third quarter.
ESG Solutions
ESG ETF Performance Commentary 3Q21
October 14, 2021 — This one-page report details what contributed to and detracted from performance for the Sage ESG ETF Strategies in the third quarter.
Municipal Fixed Income
Municipal 3Q21 Market Review & Outlook
October 12, 2021 — With municipal valuations at or through fair value, Sage remains focused on maximum tax-free income, solid credit fundamentals, and favorable risk-adjusted. . . .
Tactical ETF
Tactical ETF 3Q21 Market Review & Outlook
October 11, 2021 — While demand is strong and the U.S. consumer is in a healthy position, continued supply-related price pressure on commodities and other. . . .
Fixed Income
Taxable Fixed Income 3Q21 Market Review & Outlook
October 11, 2021 — Core bond markets will likely remain under pressure into year-end, with yields grinding higher as markets prepare for tapering and eventual. . . .
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