The Sage Philosophy
We believe in purpose-driven investment solutions.
Just as the lives of each of our clients are different, so are the reasons they invest. We deliver solutions and services designed to help them understand and efficiently accomplish their unique goals. Clients don't invest just to beat a benchmark or outperform others. They do so because they have a specific objective or utility for their money. It's our job to manage that.
We believe in simplicity, liquidity, and transparency.
Three words, powerful impact. We offer an unwavering focus on our investment philosophy and management process, leverage instruments to execute sound strategies — primarily cash bonds and highly liquid ETFs — and handle each of our clients’ assets within a separately managed account. What’s more, we consistently share thought leadership with partners and clients.
We believe in taking a risk-conscious approach.
By first assessing the worst-case scenarios from our clients’ perspectives, we can craft an investment strategy that’s easier to adhere to — because it’s rooted in a pragmatic, risk-conscious approach. We understand and appreciate the impact that volatility has on our clients’ investments, and their well-being. Managing that instability is at the forefront of our investment decisions.
We believe in keeping our clients well informed.
Our commitment to effective communication and education also has a pragmatic purpose. The more a client knows, the more he or she can stay on plan during volatile and uncertain market environments. We have a rich talent pool of professionals committed to sharing their expertise. They solve problems, then share their perspectives to deepen understanding.